Advent Ministries

Advent Ministries


Acolytes and Licensed Eucharistic Ministers serve at the altar and assist the clergy on Sundays and various special services.

Altar Guild members prepare the Altar and Chancel for regular Sunday services, weddings, baptisms, funerals, or other services during the church year. Members serve in teams for one week during each month.

Flower Guild members serve in teams to adorn the Altar and narthex with arrangements and work in full force to decorate for holidays and special occasions.

Lectors read the Old Testament and New Testament lessons for Sunday mornings in a six week rotation.

Ushers collect and present the offerings and direct communicants toward the altar during communion on Sundays and various special services.

Baptism, Funerals and Weddings – please contact the parish administrator by email or phone (706-342-4787).  She will schedule time with the priest to discuss your needs.

Pastoral Care

Praying Together – Help us gather our prayers on Sunday mornings and for publishing in the weekly parish newsletter of those with special needs, illness, bereavement.

Community Prayers Register – A prayer kneeler and book to share your petitions for prayer is always in the back of the church.  Each Sunday, the Prayer Register is brought forward to the Altar so that those petitions may be included.

If you are experiencing a pastoral emergency, please call the church office at 706-342-4787 or email the priest (

spiritual formation

“Remedial Episcopalianism” and New Member Classes present an opportunity to ask questions about parish membership and further inclusion in the Episcopal Church.

Parish Life

Stewardship Committee helps the Parish to look ahead to funding the operation of the parish and helps to plan the budget for the coming year.

Buildings and Grounds maintains our historic properties with equal attention to current use and historic preservation. Seasonal work days and special tasks fill the year.

Foyers Groups gather in each other’s home each month for a simple meal and fellowship. Each foyer is 8 to 10 participants.


Outreach funding is drawn from the general budget and is equal to 10% of our pledged income.  Advent donates to many area ministries, community agencies, and international relief through ERD – Episcopal Relief and Development out of those funds as directed by the Outreach Committee.  We also encourage our parishioners to volunteer throughout the community.

These are ministries historically or currently associated with Church of the Advent:

Once known as “Panda Packs,” our Pup Packs provide food for the weekend for Morgan County primary and elementary school families whose children receive federally funded meal assistance.  August to May, volunteers shop and pack for distribution on Friday mornings.

Joseph’s Coat Thrift Shop is now an autonomous 501c3 ministry that was once part of the parish’s outreach ministry.  Clothes for the whole family, household goods, books and jewelry are sold from community donations.  Proceeds support the other helping ministries of Morgan Co.

Matthew 25 is a crisis intervention fund serving economic, food and shelter needs to community members on a temporary basis.  Established in 1985 by the Church of the Advent, support for Matthew 25 grew throughout the community, and today it is supported by Advent and 9 other Madison Churches.

Angel Tree at Christmas is our way of providing Christmas gifts to needy residents of a local nursing home.